19 German Companies Offer to Invest in Iran’s Water Sector

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The deputy head of Iran’s National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company said 19 German companies have announced their willingness to invest in the Islamic Republic’s water Industry.

Speaking in the Iran-Germany First Joint Conference on Water and Wastewater in Tehran on Monday, Ali Asghar Qane’ said a 29-strong delegation of 19 German companies have attended the conference and are willing to invest in Iran’s water and wastewater sector.

He hoped that the Iranian private sector would seize the opportunity to cooperate with the German companies.

The official also pointed to the upcoming planned meetings between the two countries’ companies working in the area of water and wastewater, saying that Iran has high capacities to develop and implement water projects.

Also addressing the conference was Iranian Deputy Energy Minister Sattar Mahmoudi who said experience has proven that Germans are reliable partners.

He said, however, that the transfer of modern technologies is Iran’s first condition for continuation of mutual cooperation with Germany.

The remarks came against the backdrop of a new wave of interest in ties with Iran after Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on July 14 reached a conclusion over the text of a comprehensive 159-page deal on Tehran's nuclear program.

The comprehensive nuclear deal between Iran and the six powers would terminate all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran after coming into force.

Experts believe that Iran's economic growth would rise remarkably after the final nuclear deal takes effect.

Back in July, German Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel at the head of a high-ranking trade delegation including the representatives of 20 German economic giants visited Iran and held meetings with senior Iranian officials.