Resistance Movement to Respond to Israeli Airstrikes at Appropriate Time: Hamas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas condemned recent Israeli airstrikes against the groups’ facilities in the Gaza strip, saying that Hamas will give a crushing response to them when it sees fit.

“That is an act of aggression and a clear violation of the ceasefire,” Mushir al-Masri said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency, following the Israeli attacks on a military training camp belonging to Hamas on Monday.

“The Zionist enemy should accept responsibility for its acts and surely it will pay the price at a time the Palestinian Resistance will determine,” he noted.

Masri further described the airstrikes as a crime, adding that the Palestinian nation will not keep silent on the aggressions and will remain on the battlefield and use all the means at its disposal.

Israel’s forces frequently bomb the Gaza Strip claiming the attacks are conducted for defensive purposes. However, disproportionate force is always used in violation of international law and civilians are often killed or injured.

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed due to Israeli aggression over the past few years.

Moreover, due to the illegal Israeli-imposed blockade on Gaza, some 1.7 million people in the coastal enclave are deprived of their basic rights, such as freedom of movement, jobs that pay proper wages, and adequate healthcare and education.