Iran’s Larijani Condoles with Lebanon over Beirut Bombings

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of Iran’s Parliament Ali Larijani extended his condolences to his Lebanese counterpart Nabih Berri and the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah over the recent deadly bombings in southern Beirut.

In separate messages of condolences on Friday, Larijani strongly condemned the slaughter of innocent people in the recent suicide bombings in the Lebanese capital, which claimed more than 40 lives.

“This despicable crime once again showed the necessity for unity and solidarity in the fight against extremism and terrorism,” Larijani said in his messages.

He further noted that such incidents would just strengthen the resolve of Lebanon’s courageous people and that of Muslim nations in the fight to eradicate terrorism and Takfirism (extremism).

Larijani also expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims, and wished swift recovery for the injured and mercy for the martyrs.

At least 43 people were killed and more than 200 others injured after two explosions struck the General Security Post in Hussaineya Street in Borj al-Barajneh neighborhood, southern Beirut, on Thursday.

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group released a statement, claiming responsibility for the bombings.

Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam declared Friday as a day of national mourning and condemned the attacks as "unjustifiable." He further called for unity against "plans to create strife" in the country.