Iran’s Adeli Reappointed as GECF Secretary General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Mohammad Hossein Adeli was re-elected to his position.

Adeli was reinstated to his post after securing enough votes in the 17th ordinary ministerial meeting of GECF in Tehran on Saturday. He will serve as the forum's secretary-general for another two-year term.

During the meeting, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh as well as Qatari Minister of Energy and Industry Mohammed Saleh Al Sada were picked as the deputy chairman and chairman of the forum, respectively.

The Republic of Azerbaijan was further given the status of an observer in the GECF.

The third Summit of leaders of the GECF member states will be held in Tehran on Monday. It will be attended by heads of state of nine countries.

The presidents of Iran, Bolivia, Russia, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Venezuela, Iraq, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan as well as Algeria’s prime minister are to take part in the meeting.

The Summit affords GECF member states the opportunity to discuss at the highest level developments, trends, and policies on energy in general and gas in particular and also to reaffirm their continued support to the objectives of the Forum.

The forum, founded in 2001, unites leading natural gas exporting countries and coordinates cooperation between its member states.

Iran, Russia, Algeria, the UAE, Venezuela, Qatar, Egypt, Bolivia, Libya, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, and Trinidad and Tobago are the members of the forum and the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Peru, Iraq, Oman, and Norway hold observer status.