Iran, Serbia Underline Fighting Terror

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Highest ranking lawmakers from Iran and Serbia discussed ways to counter the threat of terrorism in the Balkans and the Middle East.

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and President of the National Assembly of Serbia Maja Gojkovic held a meeting in Tehran on Monday.

Speaking at a joint press conference after the meeting, Larijani said they have talked about regional crises, both in the Balkans and the Middle East.

According to the Iranian speaker, they also discussed the threat of terrorism to the world and ways to combat it.

Expansion of Iran-Serbia parliamentary and economic ties was among the other topics discussed in the meeting, he added.

For her part, the visiting Serbian lawmaker said agreements have been made on holding a bilateral economic commission to boost trade ties between the two countries.

Gojkovic noted that she is going to hold negotiations with other Iranian officials on the enhancement of relations in economy, education, tourism, science and trade.

Her visit comes two years after Larijani made a trip to Serbia’s capital city, Belgrade, at the head of a parliamentary delegation and held talks with his then counterpart Nebojsa Stefanovic and other senior Serbian officials.