Iran Supports All Opponents of Hegemony: Leader

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei praised the "heroic" resistance shown by Bolivia and some other Latin American states against hegemonic powers, the US in particular, and underlined that Iran will continue supporting those who reject hegemony.

Iran was the first country in the world that fully rejected the US domination and resisted different types of military, security, and economic pressures after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei said on Tuesday, adding that Tehran attaches a great significance to such resistance.

Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran supports anyone in any place in the world who is resisting bullying and domination, the Leader said in a Tuesday meeting with visiting Bolivian President Eva Morales here in Tehran.

The Leader also referred to the US hegemonic policies throughout the world, particularly in the Latin America region, and said the policy is aimed at manipulating the identity of native population and the youth using new approaches of communication.

“If Americans succeed in their policy and turn the thoughts of the youth into ‘American-style thinking’, they would then be able to dominate other nations without any need for military coups and hard measures,” Imam Khamenei warned.

The Leader further noted that the reinforcement of native identity and introduction of values to the youth are the ways to deal with such US plots, and expressed the hope that such hegemonic policies could be overcome through enhancement of wills and improvement of collaborations.

Morales, for his part, stressed that Bolivia has never appeased the US and will never do so, adding, “We stabilized our independence and sovereignty by nationalizing Bolivia’s oil industry and ended years of Western dominance.”

He also said that in light of increased cooperation and enhanced ties with such revolutionary and resistant countries as Iran, Bolivia will maintain its power, endurance, and stability.

In similar remarks in a Monday meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Ayatollah Khamenei had denounced the policies of the arrogant powers in the world, saying that the only path for independent countries’ progress today is one of resistance and reliance on the masses.

Today, humanity is plagued by hegemonic policies, the Leader said at the time, stressing that “resistance and reliance on the masses” are the only paths to progress and victory for independent countries in “the battle of wills”.