Iran to Back Syrian Nation, Gov’t until Final Victory: Velayati

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Strategic Research Center of Iran's Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati pledged Tehran’s unwavering support for Damascus, saying that the Islamic Republic will side with Syrians until their “final victory” against foreign-backed militants.

“Since the Islamic Revolution (in 1979), Iran and Syria have always stood by and helped each other to reach their common goals,” Velayati said in a meeting with a group of Syrian medical, cultural and social experts in Tehran on Thursday.

“Today, the Syrian government and people are facing numerous problems which have been unprecedented in the history of the region,” he said, adding that the people have resisted against a joint plot by some regional and Western countries for about five years with fortitude and strength.

Velayati further pointed to the coalition of Iran, Russia, Syria and Iraq against terrorist groups like ISIL (also known as Daesh), and said the alliance is unrivaled in the contemporary history.

The Iranian official, who is also a senior advisor to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, expressed the hope that the Syrian nation will emerge victorious in the conflicts, and said like in the past, the Islamic Republic of Iran will support the Arab nation until their final victory.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with Takfiri terrorists from various groups, including the ISIL, currently controlling parts of it.

According to the United Nations, more than 220,000 people have been killed and one million wounded during the conflict.

In the meantime, Iran has remained a close ally of Syria and supports its legitimate government in the face of foreign-backed militancy.

On June 2, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hailed the resistance of the Syrian government and people against foreign-backed terrorist groups in the Arab country, saying that Tehran is determined to side with Damascus to the end of the crisis.