Syrian Army Advances against ISIL East of Aleppo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian army captured territory from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) east of Aleppo including several kilometers (miles) of highway linking the city with the militants' de facto capital of Raqqa, Syrian state TV reported on Saturday.

The areas reported captured are east of the Kweires, air base seized from ISIL control on Nov. 10 in one of several offensives being waged by the Syrian army with support from Russian airstrikes and allied forces.

A headline flashed on state TV said the army had captured the two villages of Kaskis and Akula and wide areas of agricultural land, seizing tunnels and fortifications built by the terrorists, and were demining areas mined by the group, Reuters reported.

The villages are about 60 km (40 miles) east of Aleppo.

The highway mentioned in the report runs southeast from Akula to the west of the Euphrates river. The road passes through ISIL-held Tabqa on its way to Raqqa, which is 150 km (90 miles) from Akula.

The Syrian government and its allies have also made gains against ISIL to the southeast of Homs.

They are also waging offensives against non-ISIL terrorists in western regions of Syria, gaining ground in the northwestern province of Latakia and to the south of Aleppo, while losing territory in Hama province.