Marine Le Pen: Assad Is the Only Person Who Can Save Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is for now the only person who can rule Syria and save it from overall chaos, French politician and leader of the National Front party Marine Le Pen said in an interview with Le Temps.

The stability of the Syrian state is the highest priority, whatever its leadership is, Le Pen said during the interview on Sunday, as reported by Sputnik News.

“The question comes to the choice: do you want there to be at least some state or Daesh?” Le Pen asked using Arab acronym for Islamis State in Iraq and the Levant.

According to the politician, the political fate of Bashar al-Assad should be decided by the Syrian people in the course of future democratic elections. As for now, Assad is the only politician who is able to have the country under control and not let it fall apart, she added.

“[…] Syrian rebels are now unable to keep the state from falling. We need to see the situation not how you want it to be, but how it really is,” the French politician said.

Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, France has been one of the strongest opponents of the Assad government. Besides its participation in the military airstrikes against ISIL terrorists, France was also training militants in the Middle East in order to strengthen the opposition and overthrow the Syrian leader.

"Fighting against Bashar al-Assad for three years, we have strengthened ISIL positions," Le Pen said, implying that the chosen political strategy is absolutely counterproductive.

According to the politician, France should finally change its political course and cooperate with Assad to resolve the Syrian conflict.