Trump Calls for Racial Profiling Muslims after San Bernardino Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, who has always had a penchant for clearing American land from Latinos and Muslims appears now to be in his hour of triumph as he proposes to launch tracking and racially profiling the latter.

In an interview to CBS News Face the Nation host John Dickerson on Sunday, Trump indicated "profiling" as a preventive measure in the wake of the San Bernardino attack which resulted in 14 deaths and 21 wounded, Sputnik News reported. 

He also stressed that a fear of not being sufficiently politically correct with Muslims thwarts taking measures when it's the time to do so.

"If they thought there was something wrong with that group and they saw what was happening, and they didn't want to call the police because they didn't want to be profiling, I think that's pretty bad," said the presidential candidate. "People are dead. A lot of people are dead right now. So everybody wants to be politically correct, and that's part of the problem that we have with our country."

Extra monitoring is never enough, claimed Trump, adding that the current president Barack Obama is far away from reality while calling global warming as "our biggest problem."

"…We have to show vigilance. We have to have it. And if we don't, we're foolish people. You know, we're really — we're being led by people that don't know what's happening. When you have President Obama talking about global warming is our biggest problem, we have a president that is just not with it at all," Trump said.

The GOP presidential candidate said that he believed the sister of the San Bernardino shooter knew about the plot adding that families are aware of "exactly what was going to happen."

Trump's ideas are not particular new, including the creation of a Muslim database, the issuance of special ID cards to Islamic residents in the US and set up surveillance on mosques across the country.

On Thursday, he said that the San Bernardino shooters weren't reported "because of racial profiling."

According to some reports, a significant number of Muslims out of three million living in the US have been already been put on surveillance with their monitored, tracking at the airports, mosques, stores and other crowded places.