Saudi Announces Formation of "Anti-Terror" Coalition

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Saudi Arabia announced establishment of a so-called military coalition that allegedly seeks to fight terrorism.

The coalition is made up of 34 countries, including Persian Gulf states, Egypt and Turkey, AFP reported.

Following the announcement, Saudi Defense Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud said the coalition will tackle “the Islamic world’s problem with terrorism and will be a partner in the worldwide fight against this scourge.”

According to the report, more than 10 other “Islamic countries” are expected to join the coalition, including Indonesia.

The Saudi monarchy has announced the formation of the so-called anti-terror coalition while Riyadh is the main incubator and supporter of terrorism in the Middle East region.

Confirmed reports suggest that the Royal family along with Qatar have been aiding and abetting the Takfiri terrorist groups operating in Iraq and Syria for a long time, providing them with funds and arms via Turkey.