Blatter, Platini Banned by FIFA for 8 Years

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Suspended FIFA President Sepp Blatter and European soccer boss Michel Platini were both banned for eight years Monday by FIFA's Ethics Committee.

The pair, who have also been fined, had been suspended for 90 days in October while an investigation was carried out into a 2 million Swiss franc ($2.02 million) payment by FIFA to Platini in 2011. Both men have denied any wrongdoing, The Daily Star reported.

Such lengthy bans for both men will effectively spell the end of their careers in football administration.

This could bring an inglorious end to Blatter's 17-year reign over world football.

The ban for Platini dealt a fatal blow to the European football chief's hopes of taking over as head of FIFA when an election for a new president is held on February 26.

Blatter told Swiss newspaper Blick Sunday that he was informed corruption charges against him have been dropped. But he is still believed to face charges of mismanagement and conflict of interest.

Multiple scandals that have hit world football have intensified the spotlight on the inquiry into a two million Swiss franc ($2 million/1.8 million euro) payment that the FIFA leader authorized for Platini.

The money was for work that the French football legend carried out as a consultant from 1998 to 2002.

There was no contract and details of the sum owed only appeared in FIFA's accounts after it was paid in 2011.

Blatter was at the time seeking support for a fourth term as FIFA leader and facing a challenge from Mohamed Bin Hammam of Qatar.

Platini endorsed Blatter for the presidency but he has insisted there was no link between the payment and the election.

Both men deny corruption and say there was an "oral contract" for the payment because Platini's entire salary for his work could not be paid at the time. No explanation has been given for the delay, however.

Chief FIFA judge Hans-Joachim Eckert held hearings for the two men last week.

Blatter gave a lengthy defense while Platini boycotted the hearing and had his lawyer read out a statement saying, "I am already judged, I am already condemned."

Blatter has already announced that he will give a press conference at 1000 GMT Monday in a Zurich restaurant, the Sonnenberg that used to be FIFA's headquarters.

The Swiss power-broker has combatively attacked the FIFA action against him, saying it was like "the inquisition".

But he also faces a Swiss criminal inquiry into the case. Prosecutors have called the cash transfer a "disloyal payment" and accused him of criminal mismanagement.

The allocation of television broadcasting deals is also being investigated.

Blatter and Platini can challenge any ban at a FIFA appeal tribunal, the Court of Arbitration for Sport, and even in a Swiss civil court.

Blatter would be fighting for his reputation. For Platini, a ban would almost certainly rule him out of the FIFA election.

The deadline for candidates to be registered and pass an integrity check is January 26.