Video Shows US Cops Shoot Dead Handcuffed Man

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Graphic new cellphone video has emerged which appears to show American cops shooting dead a 23-year-old cyclist as he lay handcuffed on the ground in the US state of Los Angeles, a report said.

Noel Aguilar was killed by Los Angeles County deputies Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz in 2014 who claimed that they shot him after he allegedly tried to grab one of their guns. They also alleged Aguilar had a loaded weapon, Daily Mail reported on Sunday.

Now footage of the incident, dropped off anonymously at the attorney's office for the suspect's family, appears to show the two officers shooting Aguilar while he was lying face down on the ground with his hands cuffed behind him.

The lawyer, Humberto Guizar, who has filed a suit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the two deputies, has now released the video to the public.

Guizar said the video is 'clear evidence of an execution, a murder'. He also said footage shows one of the deputies planting a weapon on the ground next to Aguilar before taking out another gun and shooting him.

The incident began in May 2014, when deputies Murad and Ruizi pulled over Aguilar, who was riding a bicycle. It is not clear why they decided to stop the cyclist.

Aguilar tried to flee from the officers who caught up with the 23 year old and pinned him to the floor in Long Beach.

Cellphone footage then shows the two deputies grappling with the suspect on the ground before one warns the young man that if he moves, 'I'm going to kill you.'

Sheriff's officials say Aguilar reached for one of the deputies' guns although this is not clear in the video.

The next moment, one of the officers complained 'I've been shot.'

It was later discovered that the officer was shot with his partner's gun. Aguilar is heard insisting that he had not shot anyone.

The deputy who had been shot in the abdomen then shot the suspect three times in his back as he lay on the ground.