Iran Not to Stop Developing Deterrent Power: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami underlined that Iran will not hesitate a moment to develop its deterrent power against the threats posed by the hegemonic powers.

“We will not stop developing our defense and deterrent power and this is a demand by the Muslim nation of Iran,” Brigadier General Salami said in response to the US government’s plans to impose new sanctions over a ballistic missile Iran tested in October.

“This is because we have learned from history that whenever any Muslim country became weak, the US, Britain and Israel either attacked and occupied them or bombarded and debased them,” he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the commander vehemently denied Washington’s recent claim about a “provocative” rocket launch by Iran’s naval forces near a US warship in the Strait of Hormuz, saying that in case of launching a rocket, the Islamic Republic is powerful and brave enough to clearly announce it.

Back in October, Iran successfully test-fired a homegrown ballistic missile dubbed ‘Emad’, a long-range guided projectile that can hit targets with high precision.

Using the missile test as a pretext, US officials announced on Wednesday that the Treasury Department will put in the blacklist nearly a dozen companies and individuals in Iran, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates for their alleged role in developing Iran’s ballistic-missile program.

Tehran has denied that the missile launch was in violation of UN resolutions, with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif saying that it was not designed to carry nuclear warheads.

Iran’s test of missiles is an issue relating to defense of its territorial integrity and has nothing to do with the comprehensive nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers or with a subsequent resolution the UNSC passed to endorse the accord, Iran’s foreign minister underscored in October.