Iran Slams Saudi Arabia’s Execution of Senior Cleric

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the execution of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia, saying the Riyadh regime will pay dearly for pursuing such irresponsible policies.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari on Saturday lashed out at Saudi Arabia for suppressing the voices of dissent, saying the execution of Sheikh Nimr reveals the extent of Al Saud’s imprudence.

“While extremist and Takfiri terrorists undermine security and calm in regional countries and the world, and threaten the stability and sovereignty of some regional governments, the execution of a figure like Sheikh Nimr, who had no tool but his voice to pursue political and religious purposes, only reveals the extent of imprudence and irresponsibility,” the spokesman noted.

“While the Saudi government is supporting terrorist currents and Takfiri extremists, it speaks to its local critics with the language of execution and suppression,” Jaberi Ansari said.

The Iranian spokesman underlined that followers of such “abortive and irresponsible” policies will have to face their consequences, stressing that Saudi Arabia will “pay a heavy cost” for such policies.

Saudi Arabia executed 47 prisoners on Saturday, including Sheikh Nimr, the Arab country’s interior ministry said in a statement.

Sheikh Nimr was detained in July 2012 on charges of delivering anti-regime speeches and defending political prisoners.

His arrest sparked widespread protests in the Arab country, leaving several people dead.

In 2014, a Saudi judge found him guilty of “sedition” and sentenced him to death.

In October 2015, a Saudi appeals court upheld the death sentence, referring his case to King Salman’s office.