Russia Ready to Mediate Conflict between Saudi Arabia, Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia is reportedly ready to act as an intermediary to help settle the dispute between Iran and Saudi Arabia after the two countries cut ties in the wake of growing tensions, a source said Monday.

Russia regrets the escalation of tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and offers to act as a mediator of the ongoing conflict, a high-ranking source in the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday.

"We express sincere regrets over the escalation of tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran because we believe these two large Muslim countries are very influential in the region, on the global arena and on the oil market," the source told RIA Novosti as reported by Sputnik News.

According to the diplomat, Moscow has friendly ties both with Tehran and Riyadh, and "is willing to play, if necessary, a role as a mediator in the settlement of existing and emerging discords between these countries."

The source also stressed that Moscow expects Saudi Arabia and Iran to continue their participation in Vienna format talks on Syria.

Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia soured following the execution Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia, an outspoken critic of the Saudi monarchy, along with 46 other people convicted of terrorism.

Saudi Arabia cut ties with Iran on Sunday, responding to attacks by protesters on its diplomatic missions in the two most populous Iranian cities of Tehran and Mashhad.