Iranian President Urges Swift Punishment for Saudi Embassy Attackers

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a letter to Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani, called for punishment for those behind recent attacks on the Saudi diplomatic buildings in Tehran and Mashhad.

In the letter released on Wednesday, President Rouhani stressed the need for swiftly handling the cases relating to the attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Kingdom’s consulate in Mashhad.

He further made it clear that “such violations against Iran’s security and insults to the Establishment’s authority and status” should be prevented through punishing those who committed and ordered “such a blatant crime”.

The reactions came after angry protestors in the Iranian cities of Tehran and Mashhad on Saturday night and Sunday stormed Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic buildings in protest at the Al Saud’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

Iranian officials criticized the embassy attack and police arrested dozens of individuals involved.

Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia on Sunday severed its diplomatic ties with the Islamic Republic.

Sheikh Nimr’s execution ignited widespread international condemnation, from both political and religious figures.

The senior cleric had been detained in July 2012 on charges of delivering anti-regime speeches and defending political prisoners.