Iran Deplores Saudi Serial Mistakes, Destructive Regional Policies

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Every mistake that Saudi Arabia makes in its regional policies leads to another costly mistake, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said, noting that Tehran’s policies are at the opposite extreme from the Riyadh’s destructive ones.

While Saudi Arabia is following aggressive policies in the region, Iran is after peace and calm and does not intend to experience tension with its neighbors at all, the spokesman said in a television talk show on Saturday night.

Iran’s policies are exactly against those of Saudi Arabia, which seeks to “create tension and crisis,” he added.

The Riyadh’s perception is that fomenting tension and crisis will help its existence, Jaberi Ansari noted.

The spokesman further condemned furious attacks against Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic buildings in Iran in protest at the execution of prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, but explained that Saudis used the incident as an excuse to create a new crisis.

On January 2, Saudi Arabia announced that it has executed Sheikh Nimr, among dozens of others. The execution ignited widespread international condemnation, from both political and religious figures.

In the early hours of January 3, angry demonstrators in the Iranian cities of Tehran and Mashhad stormed Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic buildings in protest at the execution of Sheikh Nimr.

Although Iranian officials criticized the embassy attack and police arrested dozens involved, Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic.