Iranians Like to Taunt Us: Donald Trump

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Following the seizure of two US Navy boats in the Persian Gulf by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), US presidential candidate Donald Trump said Iran holds no respect for American leaders.

"Like, as an example, the boats got captured. Now, maybe by the time we get out, we get them back. But maybe not. Because the Iranians like to taunt us because they don't have like respect for our leaders, right?" Trump said at a Tuesday-night rally in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

The IRGC Navy seized two US Navy combat vessels that had entered Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, capturing 10 armed sailors.

According to the IRGC Navy Public relations, the seizure took place at 4:30 P.M. local time, Tuesday, when the two American combat vessels, with 10 armed sailors on board, entered Iran’s territorial waters near the island of Farsi.

The IRGC said the captured US troops, including 9 men and a woman, were treated properly, are fully safe and have been transferred to an appropriate location.

The USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier had been drifting out southeast of the Iranian island of Farsi in the international waters when the Iranian forces seized the two boats, while the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle had been also patrolling in the international waters northeast of the island at the time of the seizure, the IRGC added.

Later, US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke by phone with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about the issue.

The top Iranian diplomat has reportedly assured Kerry that the US vessels will be allowed to go their way soon.