Russia Registers Most Effective Vaccine for Ebola: Putin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia has registered a new Ebola drug that appears to be more effective than all the other medicines currently being used to treat the disease, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced during a meeting with the Cabinet.

“We have registered a medicine for the Ebola fever that, after a series of tests, demonstrates high effectiveness. Its effectiveness is higher than that of those remedies that have been used in the world up to now,” the Russian president said on Wednesday night.

Russia has developed and registered two separate Ebola vaccines, both of which surpass their counterparts in effectiveness, with one of the medicines designed specifically for people with immunodeficiency, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said during the meeting, RT reported.

According to the minister, the west-African country of Guinea, where the latest outbreak of the disease took place, has already addressed Russia, asking for its help in dispensing the new medicines on its territory “in the coming months.”

Vladimir Putin has already authorized the health and foreign ministries to begin work with the African side. He also expressed gratitude to “the scientists and all specialists that worked on the project” and congratulated them on their success, calling it “a major step forward in fighting infectious diseases.”

An outbreak of the Ebola fever started in December of 2013, spreading from Guinea to neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone. The epidemic claimed the lives of 11,000 people in these three countries, with 28.000 infected with the deadly virus.