Russia Warplanes in Syria Made 5662 Sorties since Start of Operation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russian aircraft have made 5,662 sorties over nearly four months of the operation in Syria, the Russian military have also launched 97 cruise missiles on terrorist targets, head of the Chief Operations Directorate of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy said on Friday.

"Since September 30, the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria have made 5,662 sorties, including 145 sorties made by strategic missile and long-range bomber aviation, the Russian military have also carried out 97 launches of sea-based and air-based missiles," Rudskoy said.

The airstrikes are targeted at infrastructure facilities, fortified localities, at areas where the terrorist manpower and equipment are concentrated.

Previously, Rudskoy said that "since December 25, 164 sorties have been flown and 556 terrorist targets have been attacked in the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damascus, Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa."

He said that Russian aircraft increased the rate of attacks in support of the Syrian governmental and opposition forces fighting the Islamic State terrorist group. According to the General Staff, Russian planes delivered 189 strikes against terrorists in Syria on December 24. As of December 25, they had logged over 5,200 sorties since the beginning of the operation, with about 150 of them conducted by strategic and long-range bombers, Tass news agency reported.

The Syrian Army continues to advance throughout the country, with its progress being most noticeable in Aleppo and Latakia provinces and in the suburbs of Damascus.

"Supported by the Russian Aerospace Force, the governmental forces continue their offensive on the militants throughout the country, having attained success in the provinces of Aleppo and Latakia and on the outskirts of Damascus," Rudskoy said then. The Syrian Army has liberated two settlements and seized a commanding height in Aleppo province with Russian aircraft’s support. According to Rudskoy, the Syrian troops expanded the security zone around Kweiris airbase considerably.