13-Year-Old Palestinian Girl Shot Dead after Alleged Stab Attempt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A 13-year-old Palestinian was shot dead Saturday after purportedly attempting to stab an Israeli security guard outside of an illegal West Bank settlement northeast of Jerusalem, Israeli police said.

Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri alleged that the girl approached a gate leading into the Anatot settlement, also known as Almon, and attempted to stab a security guard.

The guard immediately fired gunshots at the 13-year-old, injuring her critically, al-Samri said. The child died on site shortly after.

The father arrived to the scene shortly after the attack in search of his daughter before being detained for questioning, al-Samri added.

The head of Anata's village council,Taha Nuaman, identified the girl as Ruqayya Eid Abu Eid. He said the girl's family lives in Anata but is originally from the city of Yatta south of Hebron, Ma'an News Agency reported.

The reported incident outside of the illegal Anatot settlement is the most recent to take place amid an ongoing wave of unrest in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Last week a 15-year-old Palestinian also from Yatta suspected of stabbing and killing an Israeli settler in the illegal settlement of Otneil was detained, one day before another settler was stabbed and injured by a Palestinian in the illegal settlement of Tekoa.

Over 20 Israelis have been killed in attacks carried out by Palestinian individuals since Oct. 1. At least 160 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli military forces or settlers in the same time period.

The Israeli army following last week’s attacks banned all Palestinian laborers from entering illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, preventing work for an estimated 11,000 Palestinians.

The ban was one of several measures since violence increased in October to be implemented by the Israeli army on Palestinian communities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including road closures, sealing off movement in and out of villages and towns, and arrest campaigns.reported.

While “security measures” have been eased over the past month according to documentation by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, many closures and restrictions on movement remain in place, particularly in the Hebron district.