Iraqi Anger Flares over Saudi Envoy’s Comments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Recent controversial remarks by Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Baghdad has provoked outrage among Iraqi officials and political parties, with the Hashid al-Shaabi volunteer forces demanding that the government expel the envoy.

The comments by the Saudi ambassador to Iraq, Thamer al-Sabhan, has sparked reaction by the Iraqi prime minister, foreign ministry and political groups.

In a televised interview aired by al-Sumeria TV on Saturday, the Saudi envoy, the first diplomat assigned to Iraq in 25 years, claimed that sectarianism and tribalism are the driving force behind the Iraqi government’s arming of the volunteer forces known as the Popular Mobilization Units or Hashid al-Shaabi.

Sabhan also alleged that the Iraqi volunteer forces are not popular among the Iraqi people.

The Iraqi foreign ministry later summoned Sabhan to voice protests at his comments.

The Saudi envoy’s comment constitutes “a breach of diplomatic protocol and is based on inaccurate information,” the ministry said in a statement.

“The Hashid Shaabi are fighting terrorism and defending the country’s sovereignty and acting under the umbrella and command of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces,” it added.

On Saturday, Hashid Shaabi called on the Baghdad government to expel the Saudi envoy for instigating sedition and insulting the Iraqi people, saying Sabhan has “exceeded all the limits”.

The Hashid Shaabi, which was formed after the rise of Daesh (ISIL) in Iraq in 2014, has joined forces with the army to combat the terrorist group.