Iraqi Forces Gain New Ground in Western Province: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iraqi forces carried out successful offensives against Daesh Takfiri terrorists on Wednesday, liberating more strategic areas in the western province of Anbar.

Forces with Iraq’s anti-terrorism unit regained control of the area of Abu Tayban as well as parts of the village of al-Zankoura in the northwest of Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar, according to the Arabic-language al-Baghdadia News.

The report added that the forces are advancing toward the city of Hit to liberate it from the control of Daesh terrorists.

Additionally, Commander of the Iraqi Federal Police Force Lieutenant General Raed Shaker Jawdat said at least 35 Daesh militants were killed in Husaybah city, east of Ramadi, adding that the Iraqi forces retook a number of houses and buildings in the city that were used by terrorists.

Also on Wednesday, dozens of Daesh terrorists were killed in airstrikes by the Iraqi air force in the city of Hawijah, southwest of Kirkuk, the capital of the province with the same name, Press TV reported.

The developments came following a recent visit to Cairo by Iraq’s Defense Minister Khalid al-Obeidi to hold talks with Egyptian officials on military matters.

Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman, Nasir Nouri, said an agreement on military cooperation between Baghdad and Cairo will be announced as soon as Iraqi experts finish examining the Egyptian proposals for providing the Iraqi army with weapons and military equipment as well as training.

Egypt has expressed readiness to provide all possible facilities to strengthen the military relations with Iraq, the Iraqi official stated.

He also said that the Egyptian side was willing to open all the military training centers to the Iraqi forces, adding that the Iraqi Defense Ministry will determine the number of the trainees.