Enemies Looking for Cultural Infiltration in Iran: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari stressed on Friday that the enemy’s cultural war against Iran is currently the country’s main defense concern.

“As a military expert, I should say that we do not have any concern in the fields of security and defense today, but the cultural concern has replaced them,” General Jafari said in an address to a conference held in Iran's northern city of Karaj.

“The main war front today is the cultural one,” he said, adding that the cultural war is a permanent one which will last as long as there is an enemy.

“Enemies, using all their equipment and power, have mobilized to undermine our revolution,” the Iranian commander stressed, adding that they will target the country’s culture to achieve their goal.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has in many occasions urged vigilance in the face of enemy ploys to gain a political and cultural foothold in Iran, warning that the consequences of such infiltration would be much worse than that of enemy’s economic influence.

“Economic and security infiltration is of course dangerous and has dire consequences, but the enemy’s political and cultural infiltration (into Iran) is a much more serious threat that everyone should be vigilant about,” Ayatollah Khamenei said back in September 2015.

Describing the enemy’s attempts to find a way into Iran as one of the “major threats”, the Leader called on the IRGC forces to be wary of such peril.

As part of plans for cultural infiltration, the enemy has made heavy investment to gradually change the Iranian people’s beliefs, the Leader explained at the time.