Hezbollah Official Urges Confronting Takfiri Terrorism Powerfully

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior official at the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement denounced Takfiri (extremist) ideology of Wahhabis as the root cause of tragedies in the Muslim world.

The Wahhabis’ acts in the Islamic world are a “complete deviation”, the head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, said in a speech on Friday, adding that they have caused disasters for the Muslim community in the world, including in Lebanon.

“We are fully aware that if we do not counter the danger of Takfiri terrorism powerfully, then we will not be able to speak of a strong and united Lebanon,” he stated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the prominent cleric touched upon the threats posed to Lebanon by the Israeli regime, saying that the Arab country should boost its power and unity to repel the threats.

Takfiri groups such as Daesh (also known as ISIL), which has been committing heinous crimes in countries like Syria and Iraq, are believed to be supported by the West and some regional Arab countries.

In the past months, Hezbollah fighters along with units of the Syrian army have made considerable victories over the Takfiri militants, driving them out of major towns and inflicting heavy losses on them.