Chatham House Says Iran’s FM to Deliver Speech at London Conference

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Britain's Chatham House think tank said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is scheduled to make a speech at a meeting organized by the independent institute in London on February 4.

Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif will address the key issues affecting the Middle East region, including the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq as well as Daesh Takfiri group (also known as ISIL) in a conference titled “Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Middle East: An Iranian Perspective”, the London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs said in a statement recently published on its official website.

The statement added that it will be held in the British capital at 18:00 (local time).

Sir Richard Dalton, who served as Britain’s ambassador to Iran from 2002 to 2006, will preside over the event, it added. 

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