Saudi Arabia Detains Over 30 'Terror' Suspects: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Saudi authorities have rounded up more than 30 "terror" suspects, including nine American citizens, from different parts of the country over the past days.

At least 33 suspects, members of six cells, were detained in a series of separate "pre-emptive" raids across the kingdom over the past week, the Saudi Gazette newspaper reported on Sunday citing an unidentified source.

The paper added that the detainees included 14 Saudis, nine Americans, three Yemenis, two Syrians, an Indonesian, a Filipino, an Emirati, a Kazakhstan national and a Palestinian citizen, Press TV reported.

The paper did not say if any of the "terror suspects" was linked to the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group, which has claimed several deadly attacks in Saudi Arabia’s Shiite-majority Eastern Province.

At least four people were killed and 18 wounded in the latest attack, which targeted the Imam Reza Mosque in the town of Mahasen in al-Ahsa on Friday. There was no early claim of responsibility for the attack but it resembled previous assaults by Daesh terrorist group.

The repetition of terrorist attacks on mosques and religious centers in eastern Saudi Arabia has sparked anger among the local population. They accuse Saudi security forces of negligence in fulfilling their responsibilities to provide security for people against attacks by terrorists.