Leader: High Election Turnout to Safeguard Iran against Enemy Plots

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said massive presence of people in the upcoming elections as well as rallies marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory will secure the country against hostile schemes.

Addressing the Iranian Air Force and Air Defense commanders and personnel in Tehran on Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei described elections as “revitalization of the nation and a new pledge of allegiance to the goals of the Revolution.”

Massive turnout in the polls will give more dignity to the country and the Establishment and safeguard them, Imam Khamenei underlined.  “Hence, it is everyone’s duty to cast their ballots.”

The Leader also hailed the unmatched presence of people in the rallies marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory in the past years, stressing that the remarkable participation of people in this year’s demonstrations will again dishearten the adversaries.

Ayatollah Khamenei then warned that the enemies’ main purpose is to consign the sublime goals of the Islamic Establishment into oblivion in order to cause an “internal shift in the Islamic Republic.”

One of the perpetual objectives pursued by the adversaries, the US in particular, is to drive a wedge between the Iranian nation and Establishment, the Leader cautioned, stressing that massive turnout in the votes will stymie that hostile plot and bring victory to Iran.

“The motherland and the nation’s dignity, glory and might hinge on fulfilling the revolutionary duties, and participation in the elections is one of the most important one of those duties,” Imam Khamenei noted.

The Leader also urged vigilance in the face of the US, which “seeks to carry out its ploys behind a smile.”

The US brazenly continues to support those who perpetrate barbaric crimes against the people of Yemen and commit state terrorism in the cruelest shape, the Leader deplored.

Ayatollah Khamenei also derided Washington’s talk of advocating human rights and democracy, noting that the US supports the Zionist regime of Israel, which murders children, and its regional allies that have no familiarity with elections.

Iran is going to hold the Assembly of Experts and the parliamentary elections simultaneously on February 26.

There will be 290 seats in the Iranian parliament and 88 in the Assembly of Experts up for grabs.

Members of the assembly are directly elected to office by people for an eight-year term. It holds biannual meetings to appoint a new chairman.