Iran Ready to Boost Cooperation with EU on Terrorism: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined the need for a global resolve to fight terror, and voiced Iran’s preparedness to expand its cooperation with the European Union (EU) member states, including Greece, in the campaign against terrorism and extremism.

“Fighting against terrorism needs a serious resolve at the global level, but despite having abundant capabilities, certain Western countries have yet to show the required seriousness in the counter-terrorism campaign,” Rouhani said in a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras here in Tehran.

“Some other countries, meanwhile, are using terrorists to advance their short-term interests,” the president added. 

Rouhani stressed that Tehran is ready to hold further consultations with the EU and Greece in the fight against terror, adding, “We should convince state-sponsors of terrorism that instrumental use of terrorists is a wrong and futile move, and that terrorism would finally put their own interests at risk.”

He highlighted the significance of partnership for enhancement of peace and stability in the region, noting that all countries should get together and initiate a global effort to cut financial aid and arm supplies to terrorists.

Tsipras, for his part, pointed to the displacement of millions of people, especially the Syrians, and their immigration to European countries, and underlined the need for cooperation of all countries in the fight against terrorism.

Given the distinguished role Iran plays in regional stability, Athens stands by Tehran, the Greek premier noted.

“Undoubtedly, the fight against terrorism and obstruction of financial aid and arms supplies to them (terrorists) would help to restore peace and stability to the region, and can reduce the influx of refugees,” he added.