Trump: 'I'll Look Syrian Children in the Face And Say They Can't Come'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - US presidential candidate Donald Trump who wants to bar all Syrian refugees from entering the United States said he'd be able to look into the eyes of Syrian refugee children to tell them they cannot come to schools in America.

"We don’t know where their parents come from, they have no documentation whatsoever," Trump said Monday during a town hall in New Hampshire.

"I’ve talked to the greatest legal people, spoken to the greatest security people. There’s absolutely no way of saying where these people come from. They may be from Syria, they may be ISIS, they may be ISIS related," Trump said, using another acronym for Daesh (ISIL).

During the event, a man who said he was from Connecticut told Trump about plans to relocate Syrian families into the community and let their children come to schools. When asked whether he'd be able to "look at these children" to tell them they couldn't go to school, Trump said: "I can look in their faces and say, ‘You can’t come here.’"

The crowd applauded his answer.

He called for Persian Gulf states in the Middle East to take more initiative on resettling refugees, even with some American monetary support. He also added that many people who migrate are young men, with few women and children, and questioned how they are able to bring some possessions with them while fleeing, The Hill reported.

"You see them on cellphones — where do they get their cellphones? This is a migration, they have no anything, but they have cellphones — with ISIS flags on them and worse," Trump said, asking how the those who migrate are able to pay for their cell phone bills.