World Muslims, Oppressed Bolstered by Islamic Revolution: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution in Iran provided Muslims and the world’s oppressed with a big source for reliance, Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said.

Addressing a conference in Tehran on Wednesday, General Salami said Iran has kept making progress and supporting the oppressed nations since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

He made the comments in an address to the International Seminar of Foreign Guests of the 37th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s Victory, which kicked off Wednesday morning at the IRIB International Conference Center in Tehran.

The commander described the Islamic Revolution as an event with far-reaching effects on the world’s geopolitical map, and noted that Israel has failed to win a single victory against even a small group since the victory of the revolution.

Attended by dozens of guests from countries around the world, the conference was held on the eve of the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory.

The Iranian nation toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime on February 11, 1979, ending the 2,500 years of monarchy in the country.

Every year on February 11, millions of Iranian people of different social strata, carrying flags and banners in support of the Islamic Republic, pour into the streets in nationwide mass rallies to commemorate the anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Attending this year’s rallies, due to be held on Thursday, will be more than 450 foreign guests from 28 countries, including scientific, political, and influential figures from European, African, Asian, and American countries.

Over 5200 cameramen and journalists from Iran and other countries will cover the massive rallies.