Louis Farrakhan Warns against Western Plots to Undermine Islamic Revolution

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The leader of the US religious group Nation of Islam cautioned the Iranian nation against plots hatched by some Western states, including the US and Britain, to harm the Islamic Revolution, saying that they are seeking to “erode” the revolution through a soft war.

Speaking at a press conference in Tehran, Louis Farrakhan congratulated the anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution and warned against enemies’ conspiracies to undermine the revolution.

“This great Islamic Revolution has stirred the forces of Satan and ever since this revolution thirty eight years ago, Iran has been under severe trial,” he stated.

“From the moment that Imam Khomeini and the forces of revolution overthrew the Shah, Iran was in the crosshairs of the Western world, particularly the United States of America, Britain and others,” he added.

“…The enemy is among you already, seeking to erode your revolution with a soft war,” the American religious figure went on to say.

The Iranian nation toppled the West-backed Pahlavi regime 37 years ago, ending 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country.

Iranians from different walks of life, carrying flags and banners in support of the Islamic Republic, poured into the streets in their millions on Thursday to hold nationwide rallies marking the 37th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

More than 450 foreign guests from 28 countries, including scientific, political, and influential figures from the European, African, Asian, and American countries travelled to Iran to witness the event.

Over 5200 cameramen and journalists from Iran and other countries covered the massive rallies.