Kremlin Calls for Creation of United Anti-Terrorist Front

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia called for cooperation in the framework of a united front to fight against terrorist groups in Syria, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday.

On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance to establish regular working contacts between the defense ministries of the two countries in the fight against the Daesh terrorist group (ISIL) during a phone conversation with US President Barack Obama.

“[Russian President Vladimir] Putin stressed the need to create actual mechanisms of cooperation, not just an exchange of information, but cooperation because without cooperation in the framework of a united front it’s unlikely we can speak of the common effectiveness in the fight against terrorists,” Peskov told journalists, Sputnik News reported.

On September 30, Russia launched an air campaign against terrorist groups in Syria following a request from Syrian President Bashar Assad. Russian authorities have stressed that the military operation will continue as long as the Syrian Armed Forces continue their offensive liberating the country's regions from militant groups.

The US-led coalition of 66 nations has been launching airstrikes against Daesh in Syria and Iraq since 2014. However, the operations in Syria have been conducted without the approval of the Syrian government or the UN Security Council.