IRGC Fires Qiam Ballistic Missile from Silo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired a 800-km range ballistic missile, dubbed Qiam, from an underground silo during a nationwide missile exercise on Tuesday.

According to Tasnim dispatches, one of the projectiles launched from a silo on Tuesday was Qiam, a ballistic missile with pinpoint accuracy.

A report broadcast by the state television showed missile silos at seemingly impregnable underground facilities, full of advanced missiles.

The underground silos are seen as complementary gear for the IRGC’s underground “missile cities.”

In comments on the sidelines of the drill, codenamed 'Might of Velayat', IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said the launch of various types of missiles in the exercise was only a slight indication that the IRGC’s missile silos, scattered all over the country, are fully operational.

The missile drill has been in progress for a couple of days, but its final stage kicked off on Tuesday in different parts of the country.

According to the IRGC, the exercise is meant to demonstrate Iran’s might and sustainable security in light of unity, convergence, empathy and harmony.