First Group of Russian Planes Flies Out of Syria Base

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia's defense ministry said Tuesday that its military left the Russian air base in Syria following a pullout order from the country's President Vladimir Putin.

Tuesday's departure follows Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement the previous night that Russia would be withdrawing most of its forces from Syria, including some of the aircraft.

The defense ministry says the first group has left Syria, including an unspecified number of Su-34 warplanes.

The start of the negotiations in Switzerland on Monday offered Putin an opportune moment to declare an official end to the five-and-a-half-month Russian air campaign that has allowed Syrian President Bashar Assad's army to win back some key ground and strengthen his positions ahead of the talks.

With Russia's main goals in Syria achieved, the pullback will allow Putin to pose as a peacemaker and help ease tensions with NATO member Turkey and the Persian Gulf monarchies vexed by Moscow's military action.

At the same time, Putin made it clear that Russia will maintain its air base and a naval facility in Syria and keep some troops there. Syria's state news agency also quoted Assad as saying that the Russian military will draw down its air force contingent but won't leave the country altogether.

The Syrian presidency said Assad and Putin spoke on the phone Monday and jointly agreed that Russia would scale back its forces in Syria. It rejected speculation that the decision reflected a rift between the allies and said the decision reflected the "successes" the two armies have achieved in fighting terrorism in Syria and restoring peace to key areas of the country.

The Syrian army said it would continue its operations against Daesh (ISIL), al-Qaida's Syria branch known as the Nusra Front and other militant factions in Syria that have been designated as terrorist groups by the United Nations "with the same tempo."

On Tuesday, Russia's defense ministry said its military personnel is currently loading equipment and materiel on cargo planes and getting ready for the withdrawal, the Associated Press reported.

The ministry said the jets will be accompanied by military transport aircraft and will be making stops at airfields in Russia for refuel and technical checks since some of them are stationed more than 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) away from the Syria base.

Moscow did not indicate when the first planes are scheduled to leave.

Announcing his decision in a televised meeting with Russia's foreign and defense ministries, Putin said Monday that the Russian air campaign has allowed Assad's military to "radically" turn the tide of war and helped create conditions for peace talks.