Iran Slams Saudi Attack on Yemeni Market, Urges UN Probe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari on Wednesday strongly denounced a recent deadly attack by Saudi jet fighters on a market in Yemen, and urged international bodies to show reaction to the slaughter of civilians in the airstrike.

Saudi warplanes on Tuesday pounded a crowded marketplace in the town of Mostaba in Yemen’s Hajjah Province, leaving about 107 people dead.

Jaberi Ansari condemned the attack and expressed sympathy with the Yemeni nation and the bereaved families of the victims.

“The intensification of attacks on residential areas and civilian targets (in Yemen), and blocking the access of international organizations and bodies responsible for aid and rescue are blatant violations of rules and regulations of humanitarian law,” the Iranian spokesman said.

He further urged increased efforts by the UN and the countries influential in the Yemeni crisis to help immediately end the attacks and adopt required measures to protect the security of civilians, particularly women and children in the Arabian Peninsula country.

Saudi Arabia started its aggression on Yemen in March last year to supposedly bring former president and Riyadh’s ally, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, back to power.

At least 8,400 people, among them 2,236 children, have reportedly been killed and 16,015 others injured since then.

Saudi airstrikes have also taken a heavy toll on the already impoverished country’s infrastructure, destroying many reservoirs, hospitals, schools, and factories.