President Rouhani Calls for Robust National Unity in New Year

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Persian New Year celebration, Nowruz, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani urged the Iranian nation to pursue unity, and called for a Joint National Action towards reconciliation and empathy in the New Year.

Here is the full text of Rouhani’s message:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds and may Allah bless our lord and master Muhammad and his family and his companions.

Peace be upon Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Ridha Al-Murtadha

Nowruz breeze is coming from sweetheart’s alley

Happy prosperous Eid of Nowruz to the whole great Iranian nation, especially the families of the martyrs, wounded veterans, prisoners of war, and all veterans. I take New Year’s time, which was at eight o’clock, as a good sign and we resort to the Eighth Imam for this year and every year’s prosperity and our nation’s victory in all stages.

I congratulate all Iranians residing outside the country and all the nations that celebrate Nowruz as a traditional day.

Nowruz means renewal and the end of obsolescence, Nowruz means washing away one’s grudges; Nowruz means the start of efflorescence and in these hours, we ask the Almighty God for Nowruz-like days for our country and spring-like seasons for all our lifetime.

We ask Him to familiarize our minds and tongues more with friendship and reconciliation, which are the traditions of Nowruz; to keep away anger from our looks, conflict from our words, and fury from our behaviors and we shall ask him to let us sing the song of unity against any division and strife, no matter what religion we practice.

The previous year was a year replete with honor and memorable memories for our nation. From its beginning when the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said “the Year of Empathy and Rapport”, the same empathy and rapport and unity and integrity brought us the gift of great victories. What the world viewed as an excuse for pushing threats against the Iranian nation, namely nuclear activities, turned into a symbol for partnership between the world nations and beloved Iran. What the world viewed yesterday as a no-entry zone, now has turned into a valuable attempt before which everybody is humble and officially recognizes.

Our nation led the JCPOA (the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers) to a proper end, broke the chains of sanctions, and prepared the ground for activities in economic fields. Sanctions aimed at banks, oil, finance, money, petrochemicals, insurance, transport, and all nuclear-related sanctions were lifted and the groundwork is more ready for our people’s economic activities.

In the same year, the great nation of Iran marked a great epic and proved Iran’s national authority, peace, and stability to the whole world in Feb. 26 elections. The previous year was the year of partnership, activity, success before the big powers and the year of paving the way for the country’s efflorescence in all fields.

Although the past year was accompanied with hardships and difficulties, I talked less to our dear nations about last year’s difficulties and instead we tried harder with my co-workers to get past the hardships. We may be able to claim that we had the best conditions among oil exporters; in terms of peace, ease of inflation and the stock market. With God’s attention, with all the hardships we did not reach to the Central Bank and with His favor and people’s attempts, we finished the year with all its ups and downs and in the current year which is our year of hope and attempt, without a doubt we all can create an Iran which is worthy of this great nation.

I once again reach the great Iranian nation; I hope and I am sure that with each other’s cooperation and domestic attempt and hard work and with constructive interaction with the world we can enter the path of prosperity, attempt, and growth and economic activity. God willing, we will be able to reach a growth level twice as the mean growth of 10 years.

We can reach the 5-per cent growth with public attempt and hard work; a growth that is more than our neighboring countries, a growth that can spark an economic boost and get our unemployed workers back to the factories and fields, a growth that can take our dear educated young people to businesses. What matters to our nation, is sustainable employment and this will begin with ‘JCPOA 2’ next year.

Our great nation has always been pioneers, and the ‘JCPOA 2’ was thus begun in Feb. 26 of last year. ‘JCPOA 2’ is the same Joint National Action in the country which will start with unity, reconciliation and empathy; a JCPOA which will start with morality before economy. Our revolution was for Islam and morality, and our prophets’ appointment was for morality. Our prophet said that his appointment was only for competing moralities. In our revolutionary society, there should be no trace of lies, accusations, mistrust, bad language and irritability. In our society, there should be no trace of corruption. We should ask the Almighty God for a moral, happy, fervent year and a year for empathy and rapport for building our dear Islamic Iran.

O God, make these happy days a reason for our country’s durability and back our wisdom with our hope, letting us to walk our Iran through dilemmas that are the source of hardship for the people.

O God, help us to learn moderation and exhilaration from spring.

O God, empower our government to remain the guardian to martyrs’ blood and make the constitution the base for serving the people.

At the end, I would like to sincerely thank all of those who are not beside their families for the sake of serving their fellow countrymen and those who are trying to keep our borders and bring peace to our societies, all forces in paramedics, the police, and all those who serve the Nowruz travelers and our people; I would like to especially congratulate the New Year 1395 to them and finish my words with the name and memory of Her Holiness Fatima al-Zahra (SA), with whose birthday this year starts and finishes.

Peace be upon Fatima and his father and her husband and her children.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you all