Speaker: Iran Should Continue Missile Power Development

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani underlined that although certain Western states do not want the Islamic Republic to be powerful enough to ensure the security of the Middle East, Tehran should develop its military might, missile capabilities in particular.

Speaking at an open session of the parliament on Sunday, Larijani praised Iran’s ability to confront terrorists in the region, saying that “combative spirit and defense capabilities” are the main factors behind the country’s sustainable stability and strength to crack down on terrorists.

“Although some excuses recently raised by a number of Western countries about Iran’s missile (tests) are flimsy and legally worthless, they are indicative of their (westerners) long-term policy which (shows) that they do not want the Islamic Republic to be powerful enough to ensure regional security,” he noted.

“For this reason, we should insist on strengthening the country's defense capability, especially in the field of missile,” Larijani added.

In a speech earlier on Saturday, the Iranian speaker had warned against US plots to impose new sanctions against Iran under pretexts other than the country’s peaceful nuclear program, saying it “indicates the necessity for being vigilant, watchful, and cautious in the face of their measures.”

Under current circumstances, the Westerners are seeking to impose new scenarios against Iran, Larijani warned, urging increased unity and solidarity among Iranian parties against the country’s enemies.

After the termination of nuclear-related anti-Iran sanctions in mid-January as per the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, the United States imposed new sanctions against Tehran later in January over its ballistic missile program, even as the world hailed the implementation of the historic nuclear deal which had been reached in July 2015.