Ansarullah Rejects Riyadh-Based Talks over Yemeni Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior official with Yemeni Ansarullah movement rejected the recent claims made by the Saudi foreign minister that a delegation representing the movement is now in Riyadh for talks aimed at putting an end to the kingdom’s military aggression against Yemen.

Speaking to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen television channel on Monday, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansarullah's political council, dismissed Adel al-Jubeir’s remark about the presence of a Houthi delegation in the Saudi capital for negotiations with the Saudi regime, saying that representatives of the group had ealier travelled to Saudi Arabia only to discuss a truce along the frontier.

His remarks came after the Saudi foreign minister said on Monday that the Houthi delegation had travelled to Riyadh for finding a political solution to the crisis in Yemen.

“The Houthi delegation is in Saudi Arabia and the discussions are ongoing,” Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir calimed on Monday.

Stressing that the military operations are still ongoing along the border, al-Bukhaiti denied any reports on the Yemeni army and popular forces' retreat from their positions in their fight against the kingdom on Saudi soil.

The Saudi military has been engaged in military aggression against Yemen since late March. The strikes are allegedly aimed at undermining the Houthi movement and restoring power to fugitive former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

About 7,500 people have lost their lives in the Saudi airstrikes, and a total of nearly 14,000 people have been injured since March 26.