Jordan Warns Israel over Storming of Al Aqsa by Israeli Settlers

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Jordan government warned Israel of grave repercussions over break-ins by groups of Israeli settlers and occupation forces into Al Aqsa Mosque, the latest episode of which took place on Sunday.

Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani said on Sunday that the violations by the Israeli occupation forces and settlers against worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque constitute a breach of international laws and conventions, warning that such practices will lead to grave repercussions.

In a statement to the Jordan News Agency, the minister who is also the government's spokesperson, called on the occupation forces to immediately cease such practices and to prevent Israeli settlers and occupation forces from entering the yards of the holy mosque, the Jordan Times reported.

Momani also called on the occupation forces to allow Palestinian worshippers to enter the holy mosque and to allow them to perform their religious rituals.

Israeli authorities have increased security in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) for the eight-day Passover festival, during which thousands of Jews come to the city to celebrate.

Witnesses on Sunday told local media that a group of right-wing settlers entered the compound escorted by Israeli police.