Egypt Court Postpones Mursi Spying Verdict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A court in Cairo has postponed passing judgement for a second time on Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Mursi in his latest trial.

Six other co-defendants were sentenced to death after being convicted of spying for Qatar.

Mursi’s verdict and that of several others was put back till June 18.

The verdict had been postponed last month to allow for more consultations.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader has already been sentenced three times after separate trials – to death, a life term and 20 years in prison.

The prosecution in the latest case alleged that Mursi and 10 co-defendants had leaked “classified documents” containing national security secrets to Qatar, in exchange for money, euronews reported.

Egypt’s first freely elected president, Mohamed Mursi had barely completed a year in office when he was deposed and detained by the military in 2013.

It followed months of protests which began when he issued a presidential decree placing his decisions above judicial review.

There followed a period of repression on Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters. More than 1,000 were killed and thousands arrested and imprisoned.