Moscow Expects Int'l Support of Russian-US Settlement in Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia hopes that the Syrian political settlement framework orchestrated by Moscow and Washington will not be undermined, Russia’s Deputy UN Permanent Representative Vladimir Safronkov told Sputnik.

Russia and the United States co-chair the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) whose efforts led UN humanitarian deliveries and UN-mediated peace talks this year.

"I do not see another track [to the ISSG]. Together with Americans we created, as I mentioned earlier, a political settlement infrastructure. And we expect others to help us, not to undermine efforts," Safronkov said.

The diplomat noted that Moscow maintains "permanent daily dialogue" with the leadership of countries that support the Syrian opposition – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates – on the Syrian issue.

"We have differences, but having differences is a healthy situation… Majority of the people understand that the future of Syria is to be decided by Syria," Safronkov added.

Addressing the porous Turkish-Syrian border, Safronkov called on countries that influence Ankara's decision-making to convince Turkey to "put in order" the frontier used by terrorists.

"Otherwise it will continue undermining our joint efforts with Americans… I know that this work with theTurkish government is underway," he stressed.

Sealing border between Turkey and Syria would be a great contribution to the Russian-US efforts on Syrian reconciliation, he also added.

"Our Western partners do recognize that this border is a problem and of course to seal that border especially between Turkey and Syria would be serious contribution to American-Russian efforts to stabilize Syria," Safronkov said.

Moscow and Washington confirmed their commitment to enhance efforts to promote humanitarian assistance to Syrians in a joint statement issued May 9, which the ISSG is scheduled to ratify at next Thursday’s meeting in Vienna.