President: Iran Favors Peace in Eastern Europe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran attaches significance to stability, security and calm in Eastern Europe.

At a meeting with Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Tehran on Sunday, President Rouhani described “political negotiations and peaceful approaches” as the only ways to ensure sustainable security and tackle the regional conflicts.

Highlighting Tehran and Kiev’s capacities in different areas, the Iranian president said they can be employed to promote mutual and regional cooperation, particularly in the economic field.

He also emphasized the need for closer interaction between Iranian and Ukrainian private sectors and banks in a bid to enhance economic and trade ties.

For his part, the visiting Ukrainian diplomat praised Iran as a major country with a rich history, saying Kiev has formulated a road map to deepen relations with Tehran in all fields, including economy, agriculture and energy.

Klimkin told Tasnim after his meeting with President Rouhani and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that Tehran and Kiev can satisfy each other’s demands for agricultural products and energy.

Iran and Ukraine have common challenges in agriculture and economy, Klimkin said, adding that Ukraine can help to ensure food security in Iran, while Iran can in turn help to provide Ukraine’s energy security.