Leader: Revolutionary Iran Not to Get Involved in US Schemes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei emphasize the significance of adhering to the revolutionary principles in all aspects, stressing that Iran should never be part of the ploys launched by the enemies in the region, particularly by the untrustworthy US.

The key to achieving the Islamic Revolution goals, set by founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini (RA), is keeping to the path of revolution and maintaining revolutionary energy, Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to a huge gathering of people in southern Tehran at a mourning ceremony held to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini.

The Leader then pointed to the adversaries’ failure to derail the Islamic Revolution over the past 37 years, adding, “The Revolution was created by people’s resolve, determination and faith… and stood against military threats and sanctions, was not crippled, and kept moving courageously and in a dignified manner.”

Imam Khamenei also underscored that revolutionary behavior is not confined to a specific era, and called on the Iranian people to maintain revolutionary features in all fields.

The Leader further cautioned against the enemy’s deceptive plots to entangle Iran in its projects, saying the US may invite the Islamic Republic to cooperate in settling the international problems, but the fact is that “the enemy is pursuing other objectives indeed.”

“The enemy’s invitation to cooperate in resolving the global issues means calling for help and playing a role in a game and court that it (enemy) has designed to have its intended issues accomplished,” Ayatollah Khamenei warned, citing Tehran’s refusal to take part in a “so-called American coalition” in Syria.

Though such moves may not be seemingly in contradiction to independence, they are tantamount to being part of the enemy’s scenario, which is totally against independence, the Leader pointed out.

Ayatollah Khamenei also touched on a hostile scheme to make Iran’s economy absorbed into the global system, meaning that the Islamic Republic would become mired in a “plot and system masterminded mainly by the Zionist capitalists to grab the global financial interests.”

While the US sought to cripple Iran’s economy with sanctions, it now seeks to fully entangle the country in a global economy after conclusion of the nuclear talks, the Leader warned.

The Leader finally touched on US unreliable nature and failure to honor commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

The US always pursues its vicious objectives behind smiles and words, the Leader emphasized, noting that Washington will never back down if Iran ever agrees to negotiate on any other subject, such as human rights, missile program, terrorism, Lebanon or Palestine.

While the JCPOA has come into force in January, the US has still failed to fully meet its commitments to the accord, and has even taken measures that are perceived to run counter to the spirit of the deal, like confiscating the Central Bank of Iran’s assets in an American bank.