Iranian Navy to Unveil Advanced Homegrown Vessels in Coming Months

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said the country plans to unveil new domestically-made surface and subsurface vessels by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2016 – March 20, 2017).

“Advanced surface and subsurface vessels manufactured by the Iranian Navy will be unveiled” in the current year, Rear Admiral Sayyari told reporters in the southern port city of Bushehr on Tuesday.

He further said that the Navy’s 41st flotilla of warships has been deployed to international waters in the region to ensure security and counter pirate attacks.

The commander added that the flotilla is comprised of Martyr Naqdi destroyer and Lavan logistic warship.

It was sent to high seas after 40th flotilla, comprising Alborz destroyer and Tonb logistic warship, returned to the country from an overseas mission.

The 40th flotilla sailed 6,750 nautical miles in international waters during the 55-day mission.

According to the Navy’s commanders, the purpose of such routine missions is to ensure security for vessels in shipping lines, fight against piracy and hoist the flag of Iran in high seas.

Since November 2008, the Iranian navy has conducted anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and Bab el-Mandeb Strait to protect the country’s vessels against pirate attacks.