EgyptAir Jet Makes Emergency Landing in Uzbekistan over Bomb Threat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An EgyptAir passenger plane made an emergency landing in Uzbekistan on Wednesday, after receiving a call claiming that a bomb was on board, two Egyptian aviation officials said.

They said it was a false bomb threat and that all 118 passengers and 17 crew on flight MS955 from Cairo to Beijing were safely evacuated from the aircraft.

No explosives were found, they added.

"The plane is preparing to resume its journey. It was a hoax, thank God,” one of the officials said, according to the Associated Press.

EgyptAir has received a number of bomb threats since flight MS804 crashed in the Mediterranean with 66 people on board.

Authorities are still investigating that crash.

Daesh (ISIL) has been waging a deadly uprising against Egyptian security forces and last October claimed the bombing of a Russian airliner flying home holidaymakers from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.