Hezbollah Condemns Al-Khalifa’s Move to Revoke Sheikh Qassim’s Nationality

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement on Monday strongly condemned the decision made by the Bahraini regime to revoke the Persian Gulf country’s prominent Shiite cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim, nationality.

In its statement, Hezbollah described the move as extremely serious for the dignified and supreme position of the cleric in Bahrain and the entire Ummah (community).

The regime's step indicates that it is sending to the Bahraini protestors a clear message: There will be no reform, rights, dialogue, and political horizon.

"This authority, with its folly and recklessness, is pushing the Bahrainis to take tough choices which will be disastrous for the corrupt dictatorial regime,” the statement said.

It is unacceptable to revoke the nationality of any citizen who enjoys full civil rights, especially that of a great scholar who was born in Bahrain, the statement added, Al Manar reported.

Hezbollah called on the religious, political human rights references in Bahraini, the region and the whole world to reject this provocative and reprehensible move.

The movement also highlighted the necessity for pressing the Bahraini regime to reverse the decision immediately.

Hezbollah finally called on the Bahrainis to decisively express their rage and discontent in face of the regime's action against Sheikh Qassim.