One More Phase of South Pars Gas Field to Come Online in Months: Iranian Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian energy official said one more major phase of Iran's giant off-shore gas field, known as South Pars, will be launched in the second half of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 20).

Ali Akbar Shabanpour, managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) which administers South Pars, said the energy hub’s phase 21 will come on stream within five months, Shana reported.

He added the structure is being loaded at Khorramshahr Yard and will take at least 5 months to be installed.

Shabanpour also said platform 19A of phase 19 will also be loaded on the same barge with platform of phase 21 to be carried to their designated offshore spots.

The South Pars gas field, whose development has been divided into 28 phases, is located in the Persian Gulf straddling the maritime border between Iran and Qatar.

It is estimated that the Iranian section of the field contains 14 trillion cubic meters of gas and 18 billion barrels of condensates in place.