Iran’s Air Defense to Hold 5 Major War Games

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Air Defense plans to stage five big war games in the coming months, which would see new missile and radar systems unveiled, the Force’s top commander said.

Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili told Tasnim on Sunday that the military exercises are going to be held from mid-summer until end of the current Iranian year (March 2017).

The commander also noted that a series of new radar and missile systems will be unveiled in the exercises.

According to the commander, the tactics to be practiced in the drills will include cooperation with the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces.

Iran’s Air Defense holds regular military exercise, code-named Defenders of Velayat Skies.

The country’s integrated air defense network reportedly protects 3,700 sensitive sites inside and outside the borders.

Back in April, Air defense Lieutenant Commander General Ali Reza Sabahi-Fard had said that there has been a 1.5-fold increase in the number of the Air Defense missile sites across the country over the past five years.